Diaspora, the Open Source Social Networking Project is Sending Invites (Free Invitations here)

Well, the much awaited open source social-networking project by Diaspora is sending out private alpha invites. Like WordPress for blogging, so is their concept for social-networking. We believe once the code is built and ready it would be available to anybody for download and to setup their own social-networking sites.

Diaspora, open source social networking project

I got an invite as well and found it more or less similar to Google Plus. Check it out yourself.

This project is not to fight against or kill any other existing social-networks, it probably lets you connect to all of them as well and run an independent social-networking site if you wish to own one.

I need one to check out how it is - 

To get the invite, you could do the following – (Be honest, else even after you sign up with Diaspora through our invitations, we can decide  =P)

  • Share the post on Facebook by clicking on the Facebook Like button on the left
  • Tweet this very post by clicking the Twitter icon
  • Subscribe with us on the top right of the page
  • Go to our Facebook Page and request your invite on the wall with your email address. (You will get it as soon as we see the wall post)
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